By grand-ducal decree of 16 January 2017, the non-profit association “Les Amis du Château de Vianden” has been recognised as being a public utility and can receive tax-deductible cash donations.

LES AMIS DU CHATEAU DE VIANDEN non-profit association
Head office: Vianden Castle 10, montée du château L-9408 Vianden
R.C.S. Luxembourg F.6.685.
Postal address: Les Amis du Château de Vianden a.s.b.l. B.P. 26 L-9401 Vianden
Tel: (+352) 83 41 08-1 Fax: (+352) 84 92 84 E-mail: /

IBAN: LU89 0030 1556 1359 0000 BIC Code: BGLLLULL / VAT No.: LU 166601 82



Extracts from the Charter of association 

Article 4

The association is responsible for

– the guard and surveillance of the Castle,

– the daily administration of the Castle,

– the maintenance of the premises,

– the Castle’s development,

– advertising and publicity aimed at attracting visitors. 


Function: Vianden Castle is a national monument  under the protection of a board of curators who will decide on the restoration, development and use of the property. The College is placed under the high presidency of his Royal Highness the Grand Duke and is composed of representatives of the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the  House of Luxembourg  and the City of Vianden.




  • H.R.H. Grand Duke Henri, President
  • Mr. Paul Lesch, Chamberlain / Secretary
  • Mr. Eric Thill, Minister of Culture
  • Mr. Patrick Sanavia, Director of INPA
  • Mr. Jean-Jacques List, Responsible for feudal heritage
  • Mrs. Guida Biewer, President of the “Amis du Château de Vianden A.S.B.L.”.
  • Mr. François Weyrich, mayor of the City of Vianden


  • Tom Gantenbein, Government Commissioner
  • Guida Biewer, President (elected member)
  • Josy Bassing, Vice-President (delegate from Friends of Vianden History)
  • Gaby Heger, Vice-President (elected member)
  • Joé Heintzen, Treasurer (elected member)
  • Pol Petry, (municipal Delegate)
  • Paul Lesch, (Delegate of the Grand-Ducal Court)
  • Marc Schoellen, (COPAC delegate)
  • Nico Walisch, (elected member)
  • Patty Schaefer, (municipal delegate)
  • Carlo Rodenbour, (Registration Delegate)
  • Sylvie Michaux-Hut, (elected member)
  • Ed. Biewer, (elected member)
  • Max Nosbusch, (elected member)
  • André Duebbers, (elected member)
  • Luis Soares, (Ministry of the Economy – General Directorate for Tourism, adviser)
  • Francine Keiser, (Representative of the Regional Tourist Office, adviser)


  • Jessica Ersfeld, head of personnel: responsible for the daily management, cultural programme, medieval festival, … : (+352) 834108-21 –
  • Frank Leonardy, cashier: guided tours, statistics, …
  • Lydie Kohn, cashier: guided tours, …
  • Lisa Leonardy, cashier: guided tours, …
  • Christine Faust-Schlechter, cashier: guided tours, …
  • Christian Heuts, guard: guided tours, maintenance, exhibitions, …
  • Mike Hut, guard: guided tours, maintenance, exhibitions, …
  • Georges Greischer, guard: guided tours, maintenance, exhibitions, …
  • Charel Ahles, guard: guided tours, maintenance, exhibitions, …
  • Enis Turcinovic, Shop
  • Jessica Reuter, Tavern
  • Kitty Ootjers, Tavern
  • Tessy Hansen, Tavern
  • Agnieszka Bzdyk, cashier, shop, tavern
  • Fatima Magalhaes-Texeira, cleaning lady, medieval festival cuisine
  • Paula Carvalho Teixeira, cleaning lady, medieval festival cuisine
  • Célia Paradela, cleaning lady, medieval festival cuisine
  • Manuela Dos Santos Carvalho, cleaning lady, medieval festival cuisine
